How do you Qualify for the Class Action Lawsuit?
Jan 19
4 min read

Is the government “Watershed Study” controlling your private property?
If you feel duped SIGN UP
QUESTIONS – for Potential Participants:
Were formal notifications regarding the watershed given to you, the landowner, by authorities or by their risk management teams regarding losses or peaceful occupancy?
Has this watershed study affected your property value or do you know? ( see below for DIY assessment )
Were you ever formally, invited personally by authorities, to inject general landowner input?
Was a proper request submitted to you, asking permission to enter your land to do this invasive study?
Following the study, were you provided with a final report from the local authorities showing the methods used to draw their conclusions about the watershed?
Do we need to know who these people are? The Taits do, mmistaked are glaring. Whoever did our report was wrong. I’m sure most properties are wrong.
Were you supplied with formal documents, indicating the estimated losses that would be incurred following the watershed infringement?
Did the officials meet with you and your family and explain in detail the damage to your property value and perhaps your retirement investment? You already paid for theirs.
Are other family members suffering potential losses due to the destruction of their plans and dreams for the future of your property?
Did they send you any advisory postal communication to help protect your family investment and avoid the equity loss?
Who actually walked through your property, illegally, to formulate this study? We assume that proper documents were presented before entry. We need to see those documents.
Was there a media blitz from authorities informing taxpayers of the possible consequences of this study?
Was there a tax adjustment based on the reduced property value percentage?
Was there an alert sent out in your tax notices regarding the pitfalls of this study?
Did planning officials run any advisory ads in regards to the negative impact of this study?
Did planning officials post an alert in the legal gazette? Show us!
Were you given proper instructions for the appeal process? Hopefully, the planners appealed on our behalf. We need to see those documents too.
Do you feel that the planners did nothing, other than disrupt people’s lives? The Tait Family was totally disrupted by the surprise.
Were existing alternative engineering and construction solutions presented to you by authorities?
Were the real estate representatives notified by the authorities? No, according to the OREA form 100/. There is no mention of the watershed incumbrance/infringement.
Were realtors and landowners advised about the potential implications faced by sellers and purchasers regarding these studies?
Did planners advise real estate offices and brokers to post official warnings or advisory documents to their clients?
Were official government documents supplied for review by sellers and purchasers, for their protection?
It appears that citizens are denied easy access to the satellite imagery depicting the extent of the watershed infringement on their own properties.
It appears that authorities are hiding something.
Are their properties, BROWN or GREEN? discriminatory? Water drains into the lakes and rivers across waterfront properties. Why are they not all GREEN? SHOW US.
None of our properties should be green out.
If you answered the basic question. WAS I FORMALLY NOTIFIED? and believe that you qualify to participate in a 100 thousand dollar lawsuit you may move to register
This investigation shows that town planners and others in authority that have withheld or omitted effective information from landowners and consequently caused landowners to suffer heavy monetary and time losses. At this time we require specific information from plaintiffs to ascertain their qualifications for participation. This is potentially a multi-million dollar class action suit. Any questions regarding procedure the Taits will help through our legal representatives.
The lawsuit would be based on the negligent lack of official information and transparency by planning departments and planning officials. If we, Canadian landowners, were not officially informed of the potential losses or tax reductions, we must pursue a class action suit to recoup our losses, if our representatives have shown a total disregard for our inherent property rights and protections. (see legal page).
Planning department’s lack of action, and information suppression within this watershed study, appears to have damaged our properties actual value, its dynamic potential value and over taxation. (see legal)
Farmers around the world are rising up and defending their operations. If need be, let’s get rid of the dead wood in a judicial setting. Privatization?
The OLA was contacted.
NOTE: The Ontario Landowners Association OLA shall defend property rights in Ontario, promote the principle of strong local governments, democracy, and natural justice, and represent the interests of the rural Ontario community. The Ontario Landowners Association’s goals and objectives shall be to uphold the fundamental principles of Ontario landowners. The OLA has a magazine/newsletter “Landowner Voices” and a “YouTube” channel. Great stuff check it out.
Text John Tait with any suggestions or questions regarding the exposure of the “lawsuit inquiry” to potential claimants. info.watersheddebacle@gmail.com
NOTE: We have notified the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, 200 Hanlon Creek Boulevard Guelph, On NICA1 Tel 1-800-668-3276. We hope to notify all farms in Ontario for their input. 38,000 farms. We still look forward to a positive supportive stance. To date we have heard nothing. so we wonder who they are helping.
NOTE: There will be NO FEE to participate in this class action process.