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Class Action Suit on Equity Losses related to Watershed Restrictions on Properties

Jan 18

9 min read




To plaintiffs, potential defendants, and realtor:


We, the Taits are committed to pursuing a class action suit and following advice from legal advisors. John Tait is the “representative plaintiff.” The Taits are asking no funding from registrants. It is free to self-qualify and register. We can save legal expenses by following the principles of Case Law. We are responsible for presenting findings to our lawyers for review. This process saves money but takes time

C.O.L.A.R.  (Coalition of Landowners And Realtors) SUPPORT: 

The Taits have lost about 220 thousand in equity, according to our double pricing Initiative by professional COLAR members. (this initiative is in progress and will be released soon to our plaintiffs) “Coalition Of Landowners And Realtors”


This process indicates very conservatively, minimum losses at 100 thousand dollars per affected property.


Potential offences only, from Tait’s perspective. These are just submissions to legal advisors and plaintiffs. John Tait is not a lawyer.

NOTE: Peripheral breaches contain inclusive negligence, based in the TORT and COMMON LAW statutes. Substantial equity losses. See “duty of care” *Torts in the common law provinces are composed of statutory torts, where civil liability is established by a provincial statute, and common law torts, where civil liability for a particular course of conduct is established by judicial precedent.

*Common law torts in Canada were primarily inherited from the law of England and Wales. These laws were established long ago and are based on common sense and decency. DUTY OF CARE

*Our case is based on classic tort law as recognized by a respected Q.C. advisor. She is now a K.C.


*A sign or a gate denies entry unless an officer is in fresh pursuit of a criminal suspect or a specific criminal warrant has been issued for a specific person or thing.


A property owner is advised to apply for their original patented claim which should have all the original entitlements issued and transferred to the homestead property from the King or Queen at the time. That original deeded entitlement, by law, follows the original deed and all transfers and reassigns of the property, or any part lot of that original homestead grant.



1960 section 1(A) the right of the individual to life, liberty and security of the person,

and enjoyment of the property;

and the right not to be deprived thereof, except by due process of law;

and section 1(B), the right to equal treatment and protection of the law;

and section 9(1) of the Trespass To Property Act;

and section 34 of the Criminal Code of Canada C.C.C.


controversial subject confirmed by recent CSIS AND RCMP enquiry.

*Same legal application as property rights. This issue arose from concerns regarding drones and satellites invading air space. Peaceful occupancy denied, by invading privacy without warrant

and then without consent releasing damaging and unproven watershed data. This illegally obtained information may not be admissible in a legal proceeding.

*Obtaining and releasing information without a warrant or landowner permission has caused extensive creeping damage to property values. Representatives should be protecting those that hired them by vote, or indirectly, by our trusted municipal H.R. department.


criminal code of Canada Damage to property.

 Fraud. Tait issue and others *Damaging our property values with invasive and unsubstantiated claims of unusable land. Financial damage done already by creeping, illegal encroachment to all affected properties. Deceitful?

*The Taits bought the property with a simple wetland hazard about 12 years ago and recently presented a preliminary proposal for 4 lots, nowhere near wet land. Actually high and dry. Misrepresentation?

*Planning denied the proposal citing Watershed Without legal notification fighting for us or even appealing this on behalf of residents. As their oath leads us to believe. Deceitful?

*We knew nothing about watershed or its implications on private property. We foolishly believed that we owned the property.

*Why would our municipal employees shun their employers? Other agendas?

Many rabbit holes later led us to investigators that answered our question. Why did they do this? At first we had a difficult time believing what we were being told, that our employees are working outside our country and complying with the U.N. 2030 agenda to install globalism control. Whaat shite is this?!

*At first we thought this was just a conspiracy theory. Were we wrong? There are now many disgusted whisleblowers and witnesses with direct supporting evidence. Thank you to those looking after landowners rights.

*We subscribed to Action 4 Canada, gather 2030, kicklei, pogg, substack and actually many many others. We listened to Sheila Mcfarlane, Maggie Braun, Landowner publications and many lawyers, some suggesting corruption.

Our representatives appear to be as morally bankrupt as is their other worldly advisors and entities supporting the agenda 2030 globalists. They do appear to be nothing more than just a group of criminals. Did they buy our reps a beer while they sold us out?


The criteria for Imminent Domain does not exist.

*Constructive expropriation of land in compliance with U.N. agenda 2030, globalism control. Implemented without landowner approval or even input.

READ ALL ABOUT AGENDA 2030 ON the KICKLEI OR POGG SITES. There was no issuance of complete individual reports or spread sheets despite the equity Losses and without suggestion of remuneration. We want them.

No adjustments in taxes in the course of the infringement implementation (actually increased).

*Even this partial expropriation is an involved process, case law available. We want our equity back and taxes reduced.


so many questions.

Legitimacy of taxes and potential fraudulent breaches over many years. (Subpoenas required)

Our taxes go mostly to questionable pensions of those municipal employees working for that Globalist agenda that destroys our rights and school board union representatives that fight us for tax dollars .


C.C.C. and municipal code

*Forcing landowners into compliance and expecting we the people to prove that the infringements were wrong, at our personal expense. Totally illegal.

*Followed by the advice that we could “do nothing” with our property but then arrogantly supplying we the taxpayers a list of local planners (old boys club) to prove them wrong, again at our personal expense. Where are the reports, spread sheets and the feasibility study on each plaintiff’s property.

*Why the hell did we hire these people? We need our losses covered. Minimum of 100 thousand dollars per property. In Realty see dual pricing, with the encumbrance and without.


criminal code of Canada

*Refusing a site meeting! Despite the danger to taxpaying residents, (see Tait story) and citing by email “not our jurisdiction” means, we don’t give a damn and get to the back of the bus. Remember the 50,s discrimination and inequality?

See Tait’s story, our neighbour’s dilemma. Our Tort Lacuna Breach of trust: criminal code of Canada.

*They know who they are. Did they fail on all counts to protect those that placed them in a position of trust and Duty of Care ?

*FRAUD.  “Fraudulent misrepresentation of known facts” and

*FRAUD   “deceit falsehoods or any other means” AND

*FRAUD   “by omission” Fraudulent Misrepresentation:

 By their own oaths, and mission statements, our council and planning departments were sworn in to protect WE THE PEOPLE. Did they instead fraudulently and deceitfully follow that U.N. 2030 agenda designed to illegally control our properties and stifle landowner and community progress? Globalism?

This certainly would be a classic TORT negligence by failing to provide “duty of care.” Causing heavy losses in equity. Why are they avoiding this obvious reality ? We know.


During this time while “breaching their contract and duty of care” these representatives collected their paychecks from us and allowed us to contribute to their OMERS pensions. That’s nice.

*John Tait spoke with OMERS management reps by phone and these ladies were open to reviewing this allegation of fraud by deceit and omission. They were quite concerned because of the existing October 2024 inquiry of the OMERS operation. This was news to me, so I followed it up, it is a thing.

*Most landowners do not have OMERS retirement perks but as the employers of these representatives we contribute to their pension. Why? Creating smart cities? Controlling property? Denying progress? Forcing up food prices? Tyranny ? What evers? Let the U.N. pay their pensions.

*We need to manage our company better, the union is producing broken widgets behind our backs and on our dime.

NOTABLE: legal obligations under review. We do not know at this time, but we will.

*Will the tax payers pay for the legal expense incurred due to this blatant deceit? Subpoenas required?

The municipal act attempts to protect them from this expense but this is obviously a deliberate fraud. We gave them an opportunity to correct it. We will petition the court to avoid this injustice. What was the initial retainer and was it paid by us?

NOTABLE: Under review.

By-laws: Questionable authority case law available.

*Those by-laws enacted during the Breach of Trust and Contract Breach frauds, and others, MAY be deemed unlawful and as such warrant open discussion and transparent overview of our rights by proper legal human rights advisors and lawyers.

PLAINTIFFS: Please review our list of breaches above

*Let us know at if you have experienced any of these issues or like issues.

Please submit any other negative experiences that you have had and we will review them.

*We sent out updates to our counsellor Mark Taylor, ward 1 in Severn. Nothing to do with a statement of claim notification or disclosure, just doing our due diligence in the interest of jurisprudence.  

A “Notice of Liability” NOL is not a legal document but simply a courtesy recognized by the courts as just a gesture of decency. An NOL is just a transparent update to all persons who may be interested in transparency and preservation of landowner’s rights.

*Mark Taylor, as our councilor, is obligated and further, as a gesture of decency, will email all other councilors, mayor Burkett and other jurisdictions sworn to the control mechanisms of the stated 2030 agendas. That is why our councilors are there.

*We are just openly relaying our legitimate concerns as taxpaying citizens trying to exercise our right to claw back the over reach of our Municipal representatives.

*There has been zero professional response to date because they know what they did. We are telling our government employees to correct it and correct it now.

*A great start for mayor Burkett would be to Invite Maggie Braun in to explain the root of the problem OR respond in kind to the emails sent by John Tait through Councilor Mark Taylor who failed to counsel us on these issues. Were you actually informed Mark or were you denied the right to know?

At least our representatives could pretend to give a damn. We need positive “just do it energy” for our plaintiffs in the face of all this negativity. Maggie BRAUN and the great “Kicklei” representatives from “Gather 2030” are presenting for we the people, in Simcoe. This is an attempt to have council retract their rooted loyalty to the U.N. Witnesses and whistleblowers are coming forward slowly. HOORAH!

*Gather 2030 and Action4Canada have found many decent loyal councilors, in several jurisdictions, that are vacating the pressure of the “old boys club” and actually helping we the people of Canada. HOORAH! To you.

These patriots have heroically reversed their bad “duty of care” decisions and admitted to their mistakes made in conjunction with the U.N. 2030 agendas. They did this despite the adversity from the “club of old boys”. Thanks to Maggie et al. *Follow Maggie Braun. Subscribe to “Kicklei” & “Gather2030”. They explain what has been going on, so well. Tireless and strategically better than a hockey game. Try and follow them,  I dare you.


The Taits will be improving website efficiency in the next few weeks. Same boring stuff though. We hope that other jurisdictions will grab our template, follow through and be happy to help us. We will see? We intend to do a Zoom this winter. We will try to answer questions before that so we can discuss them with our lawyer.

*Send us your stories.    We will respect your anonymity if requested.

REALTORS: we are seeking your support

*SOON we will be addressing realtors for support of our landowners and subscribers through our list of recommended “COLAR ” members.

*Coalition Of Landowners And Realtors. (new program)

*We are intent on recommending realtors that support our landowners rights by the signing of our up-coming petition for respecting landowners rights   We want to promote the support of realtors that swear allegiance to property owner’s rights and legitimate demands.

*This is basically the supportive message in the realtor’s mission statements anyway.

*Sign our petition and support your clients, and help build your base. We will respectfully recommend you and you Support your own rights in the process.

 Get rid of the illegal watershed encumbrance on private property. Getting rid of U.N. 2030 globalist agendas. *Supporting the dual transparent pricing for landowners (That with encumbrance and without encumbrance) See web realty section

NOTABLES:  general information

Regardless of the outcome, the creeping damage has already been done to our equity and we are pursuing our losses.

*We don’t actually know any realtors that would think that this watershed encumbrance on a property would be good for a free market balance, unless they are agenda driven. JOIN COLAR.  Support your clientele.  (coming soon to your neighborhood)

 *What if agendas could be outside of a landowner’s best interests. Common sense would suggest that they would not be capable of representing COLAR mandates fairly or even their existing mission statements.


*Midwinter we are intent on publishing the names of our municipal employees that have not responded physically, to the will of the people.

*Action please! Not just vocal B.S. You people already lied and deceived us.

*We will attempt to manage our municipal employees with our own patriotic assessment and hopefully the registry of our class action and even If that fails at least we get our point across.

*What happened to the hierarchy?

*At first we could not believe what you did to us but now between agenda 2030, psychopathy and narcissistic personality you have both our sympathy and our money. Live with it don’t choke on the bugs

*Do we need  employee performance reports? Dear subscribers and plaintiffs.

Feel free to email us at any time.

Thanks for bearing with us and have a GREAT PRODUCTIVE 2025!

John Tait and family

Jan 18

9 min read




Comments (1)

Jan 19

Great article John!

I appreciate all of your hard and important work in exposing the property corruption in Ontario.

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